VTO/VRO - Analog KVM Fiber extender Replacing the old 5-fiber Series5 extender, the new Series6 VTO/VRO/VGO designed to replace the old ones on rolling projects. 5-Fiber extension over MultiMode fiber reaches distances of up to 1000m. Connections available; VGA, PS2 KB/Mouse, serial, Audio. The Series6 VTO/VRO tuoteperhe on suunniteltu korvaamaan jo tuotannossa olevissa projekteissa käytetty v.5 kvm-siirtäjä. VTO/VRO perheen laitteilla saavutetaan monimuotokuidulla 1000m siirtomatka.
DAVX - Audio/Video Extenders Using the DAVX, you can display the signals of a VCR on a remotely located Video projector. Or, you could transmit the signals of a remotely located camera and a microphone to a control room located several kilometers away. The bidirectional devices allow, on the same 2 fibre cable, the simultaneous, independent transmission of Video and Audio in both directions. You could use the DAVX to build a Video Intercom System, or to monitor a video signal, or to record on a remotely installed VCR. | VTO/VRO Analog KVM Extender and VGO Video Extender ( 5 or 3 MM Fibers ). DAVX Audio/Video extender |